At tiers VIII-X, the Smoke Generator may be swapped for Surveillance Radar.Being unable to torpedo other destroyers is a disadvantage, but their massive explosive power combined a small detection radius increases the chances of flooding enemy ships. Deepwater torpedoes carried by Pan-Asian destroyers can engage ships of any type except other destroyers.The number of smoke charges and their action time is another advantage: the ships carry 4 charges (5 for the Premium version), capable of laying smoke for as long as 30 seconds! Remember though, that the lifetime of a smokescreen is only 70 seconds.

What’s more, these smoke clouds provide an excellent opportunity for laying down a massive barrage on enemy ships.

A short cooldown time of 120 seconds (or 80 seconds for the Premium Smoke Generator) gives these ships efficient cover when capturing points and retreating after an encounter. All destroyers in the tech tree carry a Smoke Generator consumable with similar performance characteristics.